The table and chairs are very sturdy, but the umbrella was very cheap. I agree with the reviews that this patio set is great for kids or petite individuals, but not for someone who is tall or has a large built. The umbrella doesnt include a stand, so we will have to purchase a stand to prop up the umbrella since it opens up so low to the table. I had a difficult time closing the umbrella as well. I gave it a three star rating because of the table and chairs, but again it is a very small/sized set and not meant for a large family.
Not Good Quality
The table and chairs are very sturdy, but the umbrella was very cheap. I agree with the reviews that this patio set is great for kids or petite individuals, but not for someone who is tall or has a large built. The umbrella doesnt include a stand, so we will have to purchase a stand to prop up the umbrella since it opens up so low to the table. I had a difficult time closing the umbrella as well. I gave it a three star rating because of the table and chairs, but again it is a very small/sized set and not meant for a large family.