1.5 hrs for me to assemble (easily), would have been shorter but the person helping me mixed up two of the screw sizes so I had to undo a few steps to fix things.
I got this bed since its short to the ground for my Doxie in case she jumps down.
The headboard is nice, I really like the design. Simple and understated with just a hint of fashion. Spray it with fabric stuff to make it smell nice right away.
Glides on my wooden floor easily.
Value for money cant be beat! Ive had it for 2 weeks so far and no regrets or bad nights of sleep!
Worth every penny
1.5 hrs for me to assemble (easily), would have been shorter but the person helping me mixed up two of the screw sizes so I had to undo a few steps to fix things. I got this bed since its short to the ground for my Doxie in case she jumps down. The headboard is nice, I really like the design. Simple and understated with just a hint of fashion. Spray it with fabric stuff to make it smell nice right away. Glides on my wooden floor easily. Value for money cant be beat! Ive had it for 2 weeks so far and no regrets or bad nights of sleep!