Sturdy and great for the money but looks different than the photo
My first time putting together a bed frame so this was fairly easy. It came with an instruction booklet with step by step photos, came with all the tools and parts. Wasnt heavy when putting together and seems really sturdy now that I put my bed on it and Im laying down. Its cute but doesnt look like the photo advertised, great deal for how much it is though. Thinking about altering the headboard since it doesnt look like its supposed to. Otherwise its a great buy and makes my room look nicer. Better than just having my bed on the floor.
Sturdy and great for the money but looks different than the photo
My first time putting together a bed frame so this was fairly easy. It came with an instruction booklet with step by step photos, came with all the tools and parts. Wasnt heavy when putting together and seems really sturdy now that I put my bed on it and Im laying down. Its cute but doesnt look like the photo advertised, great deal for how much it is though. Thinking about altering the headboard since it doesnt look like its supposed to. Otherwise its a great buy and makes my room look nicer. Better than just having my bed on the floor.