Very nice looking and affordable/ disclaimer/ take note
I bought this based off of the look and design. It appears to be reasonably sturdy. I appreciate the detail in the design/ the directions are well written and there was no modifications (re/drilling or tapping) to be done. I had one screw head strip out. I cheated and used a screwdriver.
Disclaimer/ I am not a small individual/ I am definitely north of husky and south of my 600lb life. This bed will not last me for long without some assistance. I am putting plywood on top of the steel slats to more evenly distribute the weight. I am fearful the secondary support legs may also not hold up at the welds. The welds look good, just slightly thinner metal than I hoped. Overall. 4 out of 5
5 out of 5 for value. If it holds up/ I would be willing to change my tune.
Very nice looking and affordable/ disclaimer/ take note
I bought this based off of the look and design. It appears to be reasonably sturdy. I appreciate the detail in the design/ the directions are well written and there was no modifications (re/drilling or tapping) to be done. I had one screw head strip out. I cheated and used a screwdriver. Disclaimer/ I am not a small individual/ I am definitely north of husky and south of my 600lb life. This bed will not last me for long without some assistance. I am putting plywood on top of the steel slats to more evenly distribute the weight. I am fearful the secondary support legs may also not hold up at the welds. The welds look good, just slightly thinner metal than I hoped. Overall. 4 out of 5 5 out of 5 for value. If it holds up/ I would be willing to change my tune.