This was challenging to put together. The instructions were pretty good but I must admit to being completely overwhelmed when I opened the box and saw the number of bags of hardware / fasteners and the number of pages in the instructions. I dreaded assembling but I was determined to get it done. It took about 5 hours. It seems fine in terms of stability and the quality for the price but I was disappointed in the color as it appeared to be a much lighter and warmer tone in the photos.
Wood tone disappointing
This was challenging to put together. The instructions were pretty good but I must admit to being completely overwhelmed when I opened the box and saw the number of bags of hardware / fasteners and the number of pages in the instructions. I dreaded assembling but I was determined to get it done. It took about 5 hours. It seems fine in terms of stability and the quality for the price but I was disappointed in the color as it appeared to be a much lighter and warmer tone in the photos.