Received it two days after ordering. It took about 1 1/2 hrs to assemble but it is well built and sturdy. Even though it is not solid hardwood I expect it to last for years. I have the bottom drawer filled with files and it opens/closes smoothly with ease. It looks a lot nicer in my home office than a metal cabinet would, and at half the price! Great way to organize your office and free up some desk space. This is the second product I have bought and I am not disappointed
Quality product at a fair price!
Received it two days after ordering. It took about 1 1/2 hrs to assemble but it is well built and sturdy. Even though it is not solid hardwood I expect it to last for years. I have the bottom drawer filled with files and it opens/closes smoothly with ease. It looks a lot nicer in my home office than a metal cabinet would, and at half the price! Great way to organize your office and free up some desk space. This is the second product I have bought and I am not disappointed