Looks great! Seems sturdy so far, no nicks or damage any where from shipping, unboxing or assembly. It took longer with just one person building it but was not unmanageable, you do have to build it while it is laying down and then flip it over which was cumbersome but doable.
I messed up the installation of the first door and am having good ol Dad come fix it but the second door I installed perfectly myself, like a rockstar!
Going to use this to store some kitchen gadgets out of the way and a coffee bar on top!
So far I rate it a 9.5 out of 10 but the .5 is mostly user error I installed the middle shelf upside down and had to undo the mistake and fix it and the cabinet doors can be confusing. Tip for assembly- leave the stickers on until the whole thing is put together, I removed stickers as I completed the steps but you have to complete multiple steps before combining them together.
Easy assembly, seems sturdy!
Looks great! Seems sturdy so far, no nicks or damage any where from shipping, unboxing or assembly. It took longer with just one person building it but was not unmanageable, you do have to build it while it is laying down and then flip it over which was cumbersome but doable. I messed up the installation of the first door and am having good ol Dad come fix it but the second door I installed perfectly myself, like a rockstar! Going to use this to store some kitchen gadgets out of the way and a coffee bar on top! So far I rate it a 9.5 out of 10 but the .5 is mostly user error I installed the middle shelf upside down and had to undo the mistake and fix it and the cabinet doors can be confusing. Tip for assembly- leave the stickers on until the whole thing is put together, I removed stickers as I completed the steps but you have to complete multiple steps before combining them together.