The chairs a pretty much sturdy for the most part. I wish the underside wood was more sturdy though. Good for dining table that doesnt have much movement. If you have children who sits at the dining table to eat everyday for every meal and is required to consistently move the chairs, I wouldnt recommend. I had to relighted the screws on multiple occasions and hope one of the legs didnt bend backwards and break due to loosened screws, when the kids are sliding them back to sit.
The chairs a pretty much sturdy for the most part. I wish the underside wood was more sturdy though. Good for dining table that doesnt have much movement. If you have children who sits at the dining table to eat everyday for every meal and is required to consistently move the chairs, I wouldnt recommend. I had to relighted the screws on multiple occasions and hope one of the legs didnt bend backwards and break due to loosened screws, when the kids are sliding them back to sit.