I ordered two of these tables, one for each side of my bed. They are quite pretty. Though I only had to screw in the legs, it was not as easy to line them up as I had anticipated. After I placed them on either side of the bed, I saw that they were two different sizes. There was only one size offered, so it would have been impossible to order two different sizes. Explain that. I decided to be all right with it.
You will probably be satisfied over all.
I ordered two of these tables, one for each side of my bed. They are quite pretty. Though I only had to screw in the legs, it was not as easy to line them up as I had anticipated. After I placed them on either side of the bed, I saw that they were two different sizes. There was only one size offered, so it would have been impossible to order two different sizes. Explain that. I decided to be all right with it.