This took a while to assemble (the instructions suggest two people, but theres only me), and so far this is really sturdy. Also comes with all the tools you need to assemble. Only downside is I sometimes accidentally stub my toe on the middle floor bar when returning to bed if I have to get up for some reason. The footboard does make making the bed a little more difficult than without it. But all in all, this is a great frame for a good price. I have a wooden floor in my bedroom, and this bed looks nice on that.
Sturdy and looks nice
This took a while to assemble (the instructions suggest two people, but theres only me), and so far this is really sturdy. Also comes with all the tools you need to assemble. Only downside is I sometimes accidentally stub my toe on the middle floor bar when returning to bed if I have to get up for some reason. The footboard does make making the bed a little more difficult than without it. But all in all, this is a great frame for a good price. I have a wooden floor in my bedroom, and this bed looks nice on that.