Overall I love this table. This is not real wood though. This is that plastic veneer that looks like wood. But after I got it assembled and in place, it didnt really matter. It looks great. Assembly was easy and I did it by myself. It took less than an hour. Its very sturdy and solid once all together. I dont see having any issues in the future.
The only negative is that the hole covers they provide are a cream color that also doesnt sit flush to the table. The stickers provided are too small to cover these. (Picture provided). It didnt really matter though since you cant see the holes. I have the piece up against a wall but if youre planning to have the backside of the table exposed, this will be an issue for you.
Great piece with 1 small flaw
Overall I love this table. This is not real wood though. This is that plastic veneer that looks like wood. But after I got it assembled and in place, it didnt really matter. It looks great. Assembly was easy and I did it by myself. It took less than an hour. Its very sturdy and solid once all together. I dont see having any issues in the future. The only negative is that the hole covers they provide are a cream color that also doesnt sit flush to the table. The stickers provided are too small to cover these. (Picture provided). It didnt really matter though since you cant see the holes. I have the piece up against a wall but if youre planning to have the backside of the table exposed, this will be an issue for you.