Pretty much as everyone else said. The finished product once it is all set up is great for the price, but the assembly process is excruciating. You have to really manipulate the pieces to line them up with the screw holes. Definitely dont tighten any screws until they are all in place. The table is pretty small, which works great for setting drinks on (but thats about it). The cushions are very thin, so were likely going to invest in a new set. Overall, dont regret the purchase for the price.
Good for price, but assembly is painful
Pretty much as everyone else said. The finished product once it is all set up is great for the price, but the assembly process is excruciating. You have to really manipulate the pieces to line them up with the screw holes. Definitely dont tighten any screws until they are all in place. The table is pretty small, which works great for setting drinks on (but thats about it). The cushions are very thin, so were likely going to invest in a new set. Overall, dont regret the purchase for the price.