Very difficult time consuming to assemble. I attempted initially to put it together alone while my husband was at the gym - that wasnt gonna happen. Getting all of the little holes to align then installing all of the little screws . . . forget it - definitely a two-man job. For one chair, we never did get one screw to go in just left it out. In the picture above, my husband is STILL trying to align the screw - thats why its not in the picture..
That being said, the set is cute, perfect for small spaces, and seems to be fairly stable - but I wouldnt want to assemble it again! Would I purchase this set again - probably not, but not because of how it looks, completely b/c of assembly.
Not an Easy Fix
Very difficult time consuming to assemble. I attempted initially to put it together alone while my husband was at the gym - that wasnt gonna happen. Getting all of the little holes to align then installing all of the little screws . . . forget it - definitely a two-man job. For one chair, we never did get one screw to go in just left it out. In the picture above, my husband is STILL trying to align the screw - thats why its not in the picture.. That being said, the set is cute, perfect for small spaces, and seems to be fairly stable - but I wouldnt want to assemble it again! Would I purchase this set again - probably not, but not because of how it looks, completely b/c of assembly.