The product came as described and even without securing to the wall is sturdy enough for my 8 and 12 year old kids. The assembly, although involved was pretty straight forward. The second one assembled more quickly than the first because I got the hand of it. The stairs (as on any bunk/loft bed) are hard on the feet. I fixed that by adding pipe insulation around each tread (light adhesive applied to keep it from slipping). I will attach it to the wall just for security. Overall great product for the price.
WYSIWYG - Great product for the price
The product came as described and even without securing to the wall is sturdy enough for my 8 and 12 year old kids. The assembly, although involved was pretty straight forward. The second one assembled more quickly than the first because I got the hand of it. The stairs (as on any bunk/loft bed) are hard on the feet. I fixed that by adding pipe insulation around each tread (light adhesive applied to keep it from slipping). I will attach it to the wall just for security. Overall great product for the price.