This mirror is sturdy and I love the gold trim! It has a kickstand on the back so that it doesn't have to be mounted, which is a nice option. Perfect height and width! My order was lost by FedEx and I reached out to customer service and they were very helpful in trying to locate the mirror. Unfortunately, we were never able to locate the mirror so the vendor sent another one. It arrived in a sturdy package with no flaws. I would feel confident ordering another mirror because the customer service is so responsive and truly wants to make sure you are satisfied with the product.
This mirror is sturdy and I love the gold trim! It has a kickstand on the back so that it doesn't have to be mounted, which is a nice option. Perfect height and width! My order was lost by FedEx and I reached out to customer service and they were very helpful in trying to locate the mirror. Unfortunately, we were never able to locate the mirror so the vendor sent another one. It arrived in a sturdy package with no flaws. I would feel confident ordering another mirror because the customer service is so responsive and truly wants to make sure you are satisfied with the product.