It is super heavy - arrives in this box and is packed in foam (not styrafoam). It's really nice. Right now I have it on the stand because it's so heavy I will likely put a molly hook in the wall and haven't had time for all of that. I thought it was on the expensive side but now that I have it, I can see why. This isn't a cheap mirror you buy at walmart and throw up on the back of your door. This thing is well made and substantial.
Wow. This mirror is substantial!
It is super heavy - arrives in this box and is packed in foam (not styrafoam). It's really nice. Right now I have it on the stand because it's so heavy I will likely put a molly hook in the wall and haven't had time for all of that. I thought it was on the expensive side but now that I have it, I can see why. This isn't a cheap mirror you buy at walmart and throw up on the back of your door. This thing is well made and substantial.