Easy assembly if you use a socket set instead of the little wrench provided.
Pretty easy to assemble. Seems very well built and they took a lot of consideration in the design. With a socket wrench set you can get it together in about 15 minutes, maybe less. I admit, I am way over what they suggested for weight limit, but it didnt move or make a sound at all when I sat in it. So far so good! Definitely great for the price.
Easy assembly if you use a socket set instead of the little wrench provided.
Pretty easy to assemble. Seems very well built and they took a lot of consideration in the design. With a socket wrench set you can get it together in about 15 minutes, maybe less. I admit, I am way over what they suggested for weight limit, but it didnt move or make a sound at all when I sat in it. So far so good! Definitely great for the price.