I purchased this table about a month ago and I really like it. Very easy to put together, seemingly sturdy for it being made of plastic, and it matches my rustic farmhouse existing decor. The only setback is that it is rather short. For me (5) and my kids it is not an issue, but my poor husband (65) cannot sit down with his legs underneath. The storage rack is definitely in his way, and the chairs are too short for him as well. Great table for us short folks, but not for the tall yall.
Not made for tall people!
I purchased this table about a month ago and I really like it. Very easy to put together, seemingly sturdy for it being made of plastic, and it matches my rustic farmhouse existing decor. The only setback is that it is rather short. For me (5) and my kids it is not an issue, but my poor husband (65) cannot sit down with his legs underneath. The storage rack is definitely in his way, and the chairs are too short for him as well. Great table for us short folks, but not for the tall yall.