First off, disregard any of these reviews that have problems with the shipper. A lot of the time people get discouraged from buying products like this because someone complained about the shipping. I ordered two night stands and they both arrived in a week. No problem.
The first one took me about two hours to put together and the second one only took about 45 minutes. They are extremely sturdy and well built. I do not have one single complaint about these. For the price, you aren t going to find a better deal.
Best Standing Night Ever
First off, disregard any of these reviews that have problems with the shipper. A lot of the time people get discouraged from buying products like this because someone complained about the shipping. I ordered two night stands and they both arrived in a week. No problem. The first one took me about two hours to put together and the second one only took about 45 minutes. They are extremely sturdy and well built. I do not have one single complaint about these. For the price, you aren t going to find a better deal.