Although the bed is solid once you finally put it together, putting it together is a disaster. Approximately four of the long bolt/nut combos stripped. I had to go to Home Depot and find replacements. The other option which I also did was use a washer even though this meant the bolt was not flush as designed.
Additionally, none of the nuts on the small bolt/nut combo actually sunk far enough into the bed railing so you could screw the bolt in. I literally had to drill all the way through the side of eight holes to make this finally work. So basically the bed is now a hodgepodge of parts, holes, and fittings.
This is completely ridiculous and ends up wasting countless hours trying to sort it all out. Just not worth it. Someone from should put together one of their own beds. Might highlight some glaring issues with what could be a 4/5 star bed for the price.
Nuts and Bolts Do Not Fit
Although the bed is solid once you finally put it together, putting it together is a disaster. Approximately four of the long bolt/nut combos stripped. I had to go to Home Depot and find replacements. The other option which I also did was use a washer even though this meant the bolt was not flush as designed. Additionally, none of the nuts on the small bolt/nut combo actually sunk far enough into the bed railing so you could screw the bolt in. I literally had to drill all the way through the side of eight holes to make this finally work. So basically the bed is now a hodgepodge of parts, holes, and fittings. This is completely ridiculous and ends up wasting countless hours trying to sort it all out. Just not worth it. Someone from should put together one of their own beds. Might highlight some glaring issues with what could be a 4/5 star bed for the price.