I love this little table. I bought it bc its soft and I didnt want to buy corner protection for my toddler, so this was a better replacement. Also, I loved how easy this was to put together. I hate assembling furniture. Assembling this was basically twisting the legs in (I didnt even need any tools). It came with additional screws to secure the legs in more, but I didnt need it. Its on the short side for a coffee table but its attoman seat after all. Overall, very happy with the purchase.
Great little coffee table
I love this little table. I bought it bc its soft and I didnt want to buy corner protection for my toddler, so this was a better replacement. Also, I loved how easy this was to put together. I hate assembling furniture. Assembling this was basically twisting the legs in (I didnt even need any tools). It came with additional screws to secure the legs in more, but I didnt need it. Its on the short side for a coffee table but its attoman seat after all. Overall, very happy with the purchase.