I ordered two of these at the same time, in the same order, but one arrived a day later. One was great, no marks and easy to assemble. The second was dinged up (shipping package was not damaged), the white paint is coming off (looks like glue but isn't), and had an odd smelly sticky substance on it. It is functional, but at that price, I would not have chosen the same conditioned item in a physical store. Overall satisfied after covering dings and washing the smelly goo residue. Easy to assemble and took little time to do so.
One was great, the other not so great
I ordered two of these at the same time, in the same order, but one arrived a day later. One was great, no marks and easy to assemble. The second was dinged up (shipping package was not damaged), the white paint is coming off (looks like glue but isn't), and had an odd smelly sticky substance on it. It is functional, but at that price, I would not have chosen the same conditioned item in a physical store. Overall satisfied after covering dings and washing the smelly goo residue. Easy to assemble and took little time to do so.