Yes, a two star for the product. This is because the product looks great after assembly. Assembling this product was a nightmare. Instructions that came with this product was not clear at all, and you have to scratch your head to figure out things. I wish instructions were clearer. Plastics that came with the rack were brittle. We made an error while orienting the plastic magnet holders initially. In the last step of the assembly, when we tried to correct this error and tried to extract the magnet the plastic holder broke. These are certain things that the manufacturer can be careful about.
Extremely difficult to assemble
Yes, a two star for the product. This is because the product looks great after assembly. Assembling this product was a nightmare. Instructions that came with this product was not clear at all, and you have to scratch your head to figure out things. I wish instructions were clearer. Plastics that came with the rack were brittle. We made an error while orienting the plastic magnet holders initially. In the last step of the assembly, when we tried to correct this error and tried to extract the magnet the plastic holder broke. These are certain things that the manufacturer can be careful about.