The cabinet was easy to put together and it is great for my bathroom. My only dilemna is that a few of the pieces smell like they were in a fire. They really smell like fumes from a fire. I have aired it out for days now, cleaned it out twice put dryer sheets and even baking soda in it to remove the smell but it just won't go away. All of the towels that I put in there have absorbed the smell and I had to rewash all of my towels. Not sure what to do with this. I love it but the fumes are enough to give you a headache.
Love it but there are issues
The cabinet was easy to put together and it is great for my bathroom. My only dilemna is that a few of the pieces smell like they were in a fire. They really smell like fumes from a fire. I have aired it out for days now, cleaned it out twice put dryer sheets and even baking soda in it to remove the smell but it just won't go away. All of the towels that I put in there have absorbed the smell and I had to rewash all of my towels. Not sure what to do with this. I love it but the fumes are enough to give you a headache.