It’s bigger than expected and sturdy! I think this will last for a while. Our 20 month old was nervous the first few days but now she has it down and goes down the slide 20 plus times a day. The stairs are not wide but perfect for small feet. It is a little heavy so it’s not extremely easy to move around. There are grips for the bottom and it does not slide at all which is great. I love the green color, it’s exactly as pictured.
20 month old loves it!
It’s bigger than expected and sturdy! I think this will last for a while. Our 20 month old was nervous the first few days but now she has it down and goes down the slide 20 plus times a day. The stairs are not wide but perfect for small feet. It is a little heavy so it’s not extremely easy to move around. There are grips for the bottom and it does not slide at all which is great. I love the green color, it’s exactly as pictured.