I just received this today so I cant speak about durabilty but its a nice sturdy and comfortable chair that looks great. I read a lot of other reviews that said it wasnt really a ...it is and that its difficult to assemble...it isnt. I think the assembly issues are because the person doing the assembly didnt read and follow the directions. Im a 70 something female and had no problem. It took me about half an hour and I spent the most time looking for the correct bit for my socket wrench. I found the socket wrench a lot easier to use than the supplied hex wrench. I think the people complaining about the assembly either need to turn in their man card or read the directions.
Its a
I just received this today so I cant speak about durabilty but its a nice sturdy and comfortable chair that looks great. I read a lot of other reviews that said it wasnt really a ...it is and that its difficult to assemble...it isnt. I think the assembly issues are because the person doing the assembly didnt read and follow the directions. Im a 70 something female and had no problem. It took me about half an hour and I spent the most time looking for the correct bit for my socket wrench. I found the socket wrench a lot easier to use than the supplied hex wrench. I think the people complaining about the assembly either need to turn in their man card or read the directions.