However the sturdiness in certain areas makes it UNCOMFORTABLE as a sleeper. The cushions for the chair are all S springs running across a metal raised box. The springs are well and you dont feel them. This makes the chair part very comfortable. NOW THE DOWNSIDE. Due to the fact that these S springs are mounted on a metal box which is the EDGES of the CUSHIONS. When the chair is laid out as a bed and you lay down across these cushions. The cushions now give/sink in the middle and now your body is being supported by the edges of of the box. Those EDGES that are all steel and vertical like a blunt knife digging into your BODY (HIP, BACK AND ETC.) Are now going causes you EXCRUCIATING PAIN TO THOSE AREA OF CONTRACT. Unless youre small or a child under a 130 lbs this is not good for adults. When my brother comes to visit some weekends. I put a board and a futon mattress I keep in the closet on top of this thing. Like I said very sturdy. In case youre wondering why I didnt return it. The chair looked and felt aming. I didnt try the bed part out for months until I was going took have overnight company.
UPDATE, UP UNTIL NOW NOBODY I KNOW HAS BEEN ABLE TO SLEEP ON THIS THING. However the sturdiness in certain areas makes it UNCOMFORTABLE as a sleeper. The cushions for the chair are all S springs running across a metal raised box. The springs are well and you dont feel them. This makes the chair part very comfortable. NOW THE DOWNSIDE. Due to the fact that these S springs are mounted on a metal box which is the EDGES of the CUSHIONS. When the chair is laid out as a bed and you lay down across these cushions. The cushions now give/sink in the middle and now your body is being supported by the edges of of the box. Those EDGES that are all steel and vertical like a blunt knife digging into your BODY (HIP, BACK AND ETC.) Are now going causes you EXCRUCIATING PAIN TO THOSE AREA OF CONTRACT. Unless youre small or a child under a 130 lbs this is not good for adults. When my brother comes to visit some weekends. I put a board and a futon mattress I keep in the closet on top of this thing. Like I said very sturdy. In case youre wondering why I didnt return it. The chair looked and felt aming. I didnt try the bed part out for months until I was going took have overnight company.