The assembly was pretty easy. The comfort is nice. Sturdiness is pretty good however it has a tendency to flip back depending on where you sit. You kind of need to sit more forward then slide back into the seat otherwise you are flipping back / learned this the hard way. So now when I have people over I have to warn them when they sit / otherwise this is a great lounge chair. I like the ing element / it works nicely. Massaging is good too / not too strong but nice. I happy with my purchase for the most part.
Pretty Good
The assembly was pretty easy. The comfort is nice. Sturdiness is pretty good however it has a tendency to flip back depending on where you sit. You kind of need to sit more forward then slide back into the seat otherwise you are flipping back / learned this the hard way. So now when I have people over I have to warn them when they sit / otherwise this is a great lounge chair. I like the ing element / it works nicely. Massaging is good too / not too strong but nice. I happy with my purchase for the most part.