Super easy to assemble. It comes in 2 pieces, just attach the back to the bottom seat and done. Then plug in the wall for massaging feature. A little small but perfect for me. I use this in my game room and it doesnt take up much space. Theres multiple settings for the message and the recline is nice and comfortable. A friend of mines wife bought this for him for his bday and after sitting in it once I had to get one for myself. Great purchase!
The Perfect Game Chair
Super easy to assemble. It comes in 2 pieces, just attach the back to the bottom seat and done. Then plug in the wall for massaging feature. A little small but perfect for me. I use this in my game room and it doesnt take up much space. Theres multiple settings for the message and the recline is nice and comfortable. A friend of mines wife bought this for him for his bday and after sitting in it once I had to get one for myself. Great purchase!