If youre thinking about it...Order it!.I ordered two sets, and once I got the first chair together it was pretty easy to assemble them. However the 4th chair a leg broke and then the holes wouldnt line up correctly on the other two legs. So I had a chair with one leg.contact with seller,they sent a replacement soon,good sevrice!I am happy to say all the new legs fit and my chairs look nice,velvet fabric is very soft and cozy,love it
Beautiful chairs
If youre thinking about it...Order it!.I ordered two sets, and once I got the first chair together it was pretty easy to assemble them. However the 4th chair a leg broke and then the holes wouldnt line up correctly on the other two legs. So I had a chair with one leg.contact with seller,they sent a replacement soon,good sevrice!I am happy to say all the new legs fit and my chairs look nice,velvet fabric is very soft and cozy,love it