Everyone said this was so difficult to put together, but I found it easier than other reviews stated. When I got stuck, I checked the diagrams and where the screws and holes lined up. That always led me straight. Its very sturdy, considering its a budget counter top space. Just double check the pictures and if you get stuck, try something. The directions are broken down into tiny steps and its easy to disassemble a part you just did. I moved a stool by it and realized it would be a great little dinette as well. We love it at my home!!! Me likey!
Easier to assemble than everyone said
Everyone said this was so difficult to put together, but I found it easier than other reviews stated. When I got stuck, I checked the diagrams and where the screws and holes lined up. That always led me straight. Its very sturdy, considering its a budget counter top space. Just double check the pictures and if you get stuck, try something. The directions are broken down into tiny steps and its easy to disassemble a part you just did. I moved a stool by it and realized it would be a great little dinette as well. We love it at my home!!! Me likey!