Difficult to assemble but once ready the fun doesnt stop
We chose to put the trampoline outdoors. It is five ft across and a little over 6 ft tall. The directions recommend a 20/ft clearing. The assembly says it will take about 90 minutes and that is true. My husband was working hard on pulling the springs onto the trampoline. Our neighbor who is an active army reserve came over to check out the trampoline. He helped my husband complete all the springs and said I got my workout in today You may need an extra hand getting the springs on.
I am happy to say that it is used frequently. My toddler loves it and jumps on it all the time. It is fairly easy to roll to a different location. The enclosure took a while to get on and put together. It does work well and has prevented my toddler from falling every time he is in the trampoline. Once it is put together, the fun continues and it is not left to collect dust. Better than the picture!
Difficult to assemble but once ready the fun doesnt stop
We chose to put the trampoline outdoors. It is five ft across and a little over 6 ft tall. The directions recommend a 20/ft clearing. The assembly says it will take about 90 minutes and that is true. My husband was working hard on pulling the springs onto the trampoline. Our neighbor who is an active army reserve came over to check out the trampoline. He helped my husband complete all the springs and said I got my workout in today You may need an extra hand getting the springs on. I am happy to say that it is used frequently. My toddler loves it and jumps on it all the time. It is fairly easy to roll to a different location. The enclosure took a while to get on and put together. It does work well and has prevented my toddler from falling every time he is in the trampoline. Once it is put together, the fun continues and it is not left to collect dust. Better than the picture!