They are very nice, Easy to assemble and they are more sturdy then i thought they would be, because the plat/form that they stand on is bigger around, so they are very stable/sturdy for adults. The chrome trim is very nice and eye catching, to look at.
The Diamond tuck fabric is comfortable and the shape is easy on your back if seating for hours, the seat is wide and it contours outward and down shape keeps the edges from putting your legs to sleep, The adjusting is easy to operate with single pull of the convenient chrome handle to adjust to your height to the table so your legs dont hit the bottom of the table, they make the room any room you put them in look nice, and they are clean expensive looking chairs, I was more then happy to buy them for the money, The picture doesnt give them any justice, They look and feel and stand very nice . It will add to your room in every way.
Very Nice Bar Stools
They are very nice, Easy to assemble and they are more sturdy then i thought they would be, because the plat/form that they stand on is bigger around, so they are very stable/sturdy for adults. The chrome trim is very nice and eye catching, to look at. The Diamond tuck fabric is comfortable and the shape is easy on your back if seating for hours, the seat is wide and it contours outward and down shape keeps the edges from putting your legs to sleep, The adjusting is easy to operate with single pull of the convenient chrome handle to adjust to your height to the table so your legs dont hit the bottom of the table, they make the room any room you put them in look nice, and they are clean expensive looking chairs, I was more then happy to buy them for the money, The picture doesnt give them any justice, They look and feel and stand very nice . It will add to your room in every way.