We are using this for a nursery chair and it will work but there are better options for less. The build quality is poor. There are staples sticking out, loose threads, etc. So this chair may require you to do some work to make it work for your needs. The color and feel of the fabric is quite nice. The back feels short as well as the leg rest. The arm rests are awkwardly low and prepare yourself for how narrow they are. When you fold the leg rest in be prepared its far from quiet. Super disappointing
Did not meet expectations
We are using this for a nursery chair and it will work but there are better options for less. The build quality is poor. There are staples sticking out, loose threads, etc. So this chair may require you to do some work to make it work for your needs. The color and feel of the fabric is quite nice. The back feels short as well as the leg rest. The arm rests are awkwardly low and prepare yourself for how narrow they are. When you fold the leg rest in be prepared its far from quiet. Super disappointing