I was anxious about buying furniture without seeing it first, but my husband convinced me that the reviews on this piece were good enough to try it. We purchased two / one for each kid. They are very sturdy, which was my biggest concern. They took about 6 hours to put each bed together and was done by one adult independently. One issue was that there are pieces that look symmetrical, but arent. This required partial disassembly and reassembly multiple times. We are VERY pleased with the final product. Excellent value for what I paid
Great bed. Sturdy. Reasonable Assembly.
I was anxious about buying furniture without seeing it first, but my husband convinced me that the reviews on this piece were good enough to try it. We purchased two / one for each kid. They are very sturdy, which was my biggest concern. They took about 6 hours to put each bed together and was done by one adult independently. One issue was that there are pieces that look symmetrical, but arent. This required partial disassembly and reassembly multiple times. We are VERY pleased with the final product. Excellent value for what I paid