This took forever to assemble, and I had a friend helping / but still worth the money. Very sturdy. Looks nice. Lots of storage room. The only down side is the bar holding up the center makes it hard to fit bins underneath. But still a great purchase. Especially for the price.
Note / if you use a box spring AND mattress, the mattress will cover a lot of the headboard. It you want to display the head and foot board you should refrain from using a box spring. Im pleased with my purchase.
Definitely worth the money
This took forever to assemble, and I had a friend helping / but still worth the money. Very sturdy. Looks nice. Lots of storage room. The only down side is the bar holding up the center makes it hard to fit bins underneath. But still a great purchase. Especially for the price. Note / if you use a box spring AND mattress, the mattress will cover a lot of the headboard. It you want to display the head and foot board you should refrain from using a box spring. Im pleased with my purchase.