This is a very sturdy bunk bed. It took my husband just over an hour to put it together, and the instructions were pretty easy to follow. My 4 year old and 7 year old love this bed. We are limited with space in their bedrooms, so we couldnt get anything too big. This fit perfectly. At first I was hesitant on getting a bunk bed for my kids; I have nightmares that the top bed will fall onto my youngest! But the way the manufacturer designed this, I think I can rest easier now. There are a ton of brackets that latch onto each bar on the bottoms of each bed. It seems very secure. I even got onto the top bed (Im about 130 lbs) to see how it held up. No problems. And for the great price, its definitely worth it.
Great quality and very affordable
This is a very sturdy bunk bed. It took my husband just over an hour to put it together, and the instructions were pretty easy to follow. My 4 year old and 7 year old love this bed. We are limited with space in their bedrooms, so we couldnt get anything too big. This fit perfectly. At first I was hesitant on getting a bunk bed for my kids; I have nightmares that the top bed will fall onto my youngest! But the way the manufacturer designed this, I think I can rest easier now. There are a ton of brackets that latch onto each bar on the bottoms of each bed. It seems very secure. I even got onto the top bed (Im about 130 lbs) to see how it held up. No problems. And for the great price, its definitely worth it.