Build time took me about an hour and a half and only one person. The box is extremely heavy and if you have stairs I would advise having two people to carry it.
Overall, the build was very easy as the instructions are very clear. The frame is sturdy and included extra hardware just in case something went missing. The only complaint I would have is that the pin for the futon part would not align no matter what I did. tried like heck playing with the mounting brackets but it just will not align. Really nice looking furniture.
Good instructions and easy to build
Build time took me about an hour and a half and only one person. The box is extremely heavy and if you have stairs I would advise having two people to carry it. Overall, the build was very easy as the instructions are very clear. The frame is sturdy and included extra hardware just in case something went missing. The only complaint I would have is that the pin for the futon part would not align no matter what I did. tried like heck playing with the mounting brackets but it just will not align. Really nice looking furniture.