Rust on silver buttons and assembly not easy at all.
Would recommend either paying for them to assemble and the price be reduced. This was not a cheap product but putting it together was very difficult for my husband when it came to attaching the couch and arms which still are not attached. Our family of 5 spend so much time in our family room that we needed a sleeper couch. I would send it back but my husband spent so much time putting it together I would feel awful. it was quite disappointing
Rust on silver buttons and assembly not easy at all.
Would recommend either paying for them to assemble and the price be reduced. This was not a cheap product but putting it together was very difficult for my husband when it came to attaching the couch and arms which still are not attached. Our family of 5 spend so much time in our family room that we needed a sleeper couch. I would send it back but my husband spent so much time putting it together I would feel awful. it was quite disappointing