Cute and Sturdy, Wish the rails were a bit taller.
Got this for my 3 year old. She adores it. While it is a pain to put together (There was a lot of cussing from my husband, lol) it is very sturdy. Im able to climb up and lay beside her if I want. My only complaint is I wish the guard rails were higher. Its not easy finding a mattress with a thin profile for this bed. At least not a good one. Her mattress comes maybe an inch from top of rails. I put a roll bar in that extends two thirds of the open side. The mattress and rail wedge it in really good (It also has bars extending beneath mattress), the roll bar isnt going anywhere. So if you were wondering you can certainly rig a roll bar up there.
Very happy with this, If the rails were taller itd get five stars! I was very excited to receive!
Cute and Sturdy, Wish the rails were a bit taller.
Got this for my 3 year old. She adores it. While it is a pain to put together (There was a lot of cussing from my husband, lol) it is very sturdy. Im able to climb up and lay beside her if I want. My only complaint is I wish the guard rails were higher. Its not easy finding a mattress with a thin profile for this bed. At least not a good one. Her mattress comes maybe an inch from top of rails. I put a roll bar in that extends two thirds of the open side. The mattress and rail wedge it in really good (It also has bars extending beneath mattress), the roll bar isnt going anywhere. So if you were wondering you can certainly rig a roll bar up there. Very happy with this, If the rails were taller itd get five stars! I was very excited to receive!