Was easy to assemble. We did have to take the small wheels in back of chair off so it would not roll. The cord to the chair remote is short. We ended up putting it through the loop so it stays where it can be reached it could have been another foot longer. Its comfortable and Meets my dads needs. Its quiet and the goes up fairly quickly. It goes up fairly high so easy for him to get out of. Leather is pretty. I am very pleased so far
Lifts very high
Was easy to assemble. We did have to take the small wheels in back of chair off so it would not roll. The cord to the chair remote is short. We ended up putting it through the loop so it stays where it can be reached it could have been another foot longer. Its comfortable and Meets my dads needs. Its quiet and the goes up fairly quickly. It goes up fairly high so easy for him to get out of. Leather is pretty. I am very pleased so far