Nice quality leather, well made, good height and sturdy. This stool comes with locking discs for the legs which was a nice surprise. Not permanent locking discs like the metal ones, but thin plastic, but still a nice extra feature. This was well priced for such a study attractive stool. I have one small grumble: this comes with felt adhesive pads for the stool legs to protect floors from scratches and keeps the stool from slipping, which is great. However, the felt pads are too small to properly fit over the raised plastic on the bottom of the legs and the adhesive isnt that sticky. So the pads do not stay on very well, exposing the adhesive. This will cause the issue of every bit of carpet, dust and hair to stick to the exposed pad adhesive.
Before placing your stool on the floor, consider adding a really good glue to bottom of pads, or purchase larger better sticking ones. I used E6000 glue and its working well. perfect.
Very cool little footstool.
Nice quality leather, well made, good height and sturdy. This stool comes with locking discs for the legs which was a nice surprise. Not permanent locking discs like the metal ones, but thin plastic, but still a nice extra feature. This was well priced for such a study attractive stool. I have one small grumble: this comes with felt adhesive pads for the stool legs to protect floors from scratches and keeps the stool from slipping, which is great. However, the felt pads are too small to properly fit over the raised plastic on the bottom of the legs and the adhesive isnt that sticky. So the pads do not stay on very well, exposing the adhesive. This will cause the issue of every bit of carpet, dust and hair to stick to the exposed pad adhesive. Before placing your stool on the floor, consider adding a really good glue to bottom of pads, or purchase larger better sticking ones. I used E6000 glue and its working well. perfect.