This is a perfect fit for my hallway and does everything I expected. Easy to assemble and easy to use! Sturdy, comfortable, and functional with enough space for 4+ pairs of size 13 (US) shoes (not boots).
Its just slightly taller than Id like while trying to put on shoes though. Im 63 so the bench height is fine but the angles can be awkward when leaning over or crossing legs; possibly exacerbated by the fact that its against a wall.
While I do wish Id gotten one of these (this one in particular) sooner, I also wish it came with a matching (properly sized) boot tray to collect drips from wet/snowy shoes. Purchased one but had to cut it to size. Easy to set up.
Wish Id Found This Sooner!
This is a perfect fit for my hallway and does everything I expected. Easy to assemble and easy to use! Sturdy, comfortable, and functional with enough space for 4+ pairs of size 13 (US) shoes (not boots). Its just slightly taller than Id like while trying to put on shoes though. Im 63 so the bench height is fine but the angles can be awkward when leaning over or crossing legs; possibly exacerbated by the fact that its against a wall. While I do wish Id gotten one of these (this one in particular) sooner, I also wish it came with a matching (properly sized) boot tray to collect drips from wet/snowy shoes. Purchased one but had to cut it to size. Easy to set up.