I thought I measured and measured again. This shoe bench is the perfect height for a young child (9, 10 11 years old) or for a short person. I t was not until a repairman came and sat upon. the bench that I noticed if you are a teal person 511 or taller, this bench may be a bit short. If you are in need of a hip replacement this bench might be a bit short for you. The cushion is as pictured and is comfortable for the short time you are sitting on it. I m 52 and this bench works for me and my 10 her old grandchild. There is enough space for at least 9 pair of shoes. Perfect!!
Shorter than what I thought I needed
I thought I measured and measured again. This shoe bench is the perfect height for a young child (9, 10 11 years old) or for a short person. I t was not until a repairman came and sat upon. the bench that I noticed if you are a teal person 511 or taller, this bench may be a bit short. If you are in need of a hip replacement this bench might be a bit short for you. The cushion is as pictured and is comfortable for the short time you are sitting on it. I m 52 and this bench works for me and my 10 her old grandchild. There is enough space for at least 9 pair of shoes. Perfect!!