Great value, easy assembly, loud for non/sleeping activities
Great value for the money, really sturdy and exactly as expected. Wrapped/packed well. Took me a little under 2 hours to assemble by myself. One key is if you want to add curtains to the rods it should be done during assembly, but the caps would make cleaning/washing them difficult.UPDATE 3 MONTHS LATER Still like this bed, however were planning on getting a new one for us and putting this in the guest room because it is nice looking. Most couples do more than sleep in their bed, and I think all of our neighbors know when were not sleeping, this bed is LOUD. Hubby has tightened the screws but the on noise cant be avoided. If you like a soundtrack, squeak on! Good.
Great value, easy assembly, loud for non/sleeping activities
Great value for the money, really sturdy and exactly as expected. Wrapped/packed well. Took me a little under 2 hours to assemble by myself. One key is if you want to add curtains to the rods it should be done during assembly, but the caps would make cleaning/washing them difficult.UPDATE 3 MONTHS LATER Still like this bed, however were planning on getting a new one for us and putting this in the guest room because it is nice looking. Most couples do more than sleep in their bed, and I think all of our neighbors know when were not sleeping, this bed is LOUD. Hubby has tightened the screws but the on noise cant be avoided. If you like a soundtrack, squeak on! Good.