Purchased this bed for my 9 year old daughter. Overall very happy with it. It took me just under 4 hours to assemble alone. It is solid wood and the ladder doesnt have uncomfortable steps. I climbed up to test it and it seems very sturdy.
I knocked 1 star off because it arrived with a broken shelf and NO INSTRUCTIONS. I had disassembled her old bed and unpacked this bed to assemble and no instructions. No customer service for the manufacturer on the weekend. I filled out the form to request missing/broken parts. I received the shelf the following Friday and they emailed me instructions.
We are pleased with the bed, just check and make sure you have all the parts. Very helpful.
Seems Sturdy and Looks Great
Purchased this bed for my 9 year old daughter. Overall very happy with it. It took me just under 4 hours to assemble alone. It is solid wood and the ladder doesnt have uncomfortable steps. I climbed up to test it and it seems very sturdy. I knocked 1 star off because it arrived with a broken shelf and NO INSTRUCTIONS. I had disassembled her old bed and unpacked this bed to assemble and no instructions. No customer service for the manufacturer on the weekend. I filled out the form to request missing/broken parts. I received the shelf the following Friday and they emailed me instructions. We are pleased with the bed, just check and make sure you have all the parts. Very helpful.