Bought this treadmill and I was really surprised just how good this is for the price!
Set up is easy, and instrument panel can easily tell how to operate it. There are many programms. I can see the speed, heart rate, distance and other more information from LED screen. MP3 function gives me a nice surprice, I can listen to my songs in my phone after connected.
This machine doesnt take up too much space. It can folds away really slim for storage, and not too heavy to lift up the stairs. Anyway, this is a treadmill Id like to recommend!
recommend to buy
Bought this treadmill and I was really surprised just how good this is for the price! Set up is easy, and instrument panel can easily tell how to operate it. There are many programms. I can see the speed, heart rate, distance and other more information from LED screen. MP3 function gives me a nice surprice, I can listen to my songs in my phone after connected. This machine doesnt take up too much space. It can folds away really slim for storage, and not too heavy to lift up the stairs. Anyway, this is a treadmill Id like to recommend!