I was super excited when I placed the order based on the reviews. I wish the height of the arms was adjustable as its pretty short, and Im only 5 1. The treadmill came in later than expected and /seller never gave any updated I formation, or inform me that it was delayed. I like the safety key since I have two small kids, but I wish it had some kind of strap you could secure it with when folded to prevent it tipping over.
I was super excited when I placed the order based on the reviews. I wish the height of the arms was adjustable as its pretty short, and Im only 5 1. The treadmill came in later than expected and /seller never gave any updated I formation, or inform me that it was delayed. I like the safety key since I have two small kids, but I wish it had some kind of strap you could secure it with when folded to prevent it tipping over.