We desperately needed a frame with a head/foot board and I thought this was too good to be true but when it showed up I was surprised at the quality and sturdy ness of it. I had a bit of a hard time putting it together as some of the bags werent labeled but all in all it wasnt too bad, I would just recommend having another person, if possible to help hold up some of the prices while you put it together. Better price available for same designs
Sturdy and cost effective
We desperately needed a frame with a head/foot board and I thought this was too good to be true but when it showed up I was surprised at the quality and sturdy ness of it. I had a bit of a hard time putting it together as some of the bags werent labeled but all in all it wasnt too bad, I would just recommend having another person, if possible to help hold up some of the prices while you put it together. Better price available for same designs