It took me about an hour to assemble. I started alone but towards the end had to have another set of hands to hold part of the table while putting it together. The instructions are fairly clear, but thee was one point where a part could go one of two ways and the instruction did not point this out. As you can guess with 50/50 chance, I put the part in backwards. It only took me a few minutes to correct this. Our kitchen counter was getting crowded and so we are using this table as a coffee center and it is working out just fine.
It is about what you would expect for the price
It took me about an hour to assemble. I started alone but towards the end had to have another set of hands to hold part of the table while putting it together. The instructions are fairly clear, but thee was one point where a part could go one of two ways and the instruction did not point this out. As you can guess with 50/50 chance, I put the part in backwards. It only took me a few minutes to correct this. Our kitchen counter was getting crowded and so we are using this table as a coffee center and it is working out just fine.